Business Trial Group Wins $771k Verdict for Florida Family
Attorneys William Lewis and Arletys “Letty” Rodriguez won a $771,000 jury verdict in Miami, Florida for a family that was found to have been defrauded by their daughter and sister. The plaintiffs – Demetrio de la Paz and his five children, Armando de la Paz, Francisco de la Paz, Marizol Lantigua, Milagros Miranda, and Miriam [...]
Firm News
Business Trial Group Wins Trial on Behalf of Estate
The Business Trial Group recently prevailed at a trial in West Palm Beach, Florida on behalf of Bryan Karambelas, who was defending a claim to foreclose on a condominium left to him by his father. The lawsuit claimed the decedent owed a debt on a condo despite the existence of a letter purportedly forgiving the [...]
Firm News
Fiduciary Rule on Shaky Ground After Fifth Circuit Ruling
An Obama-era Department of Labor (DOL) rule aimed at protecting retirement investors has been overturned by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, casting further doubt on the rule’s future. The fiduciary rule would require advisers to act in the best interests of retirement investors. The DOL’s fiduciary rule, which would require financial institutions to act [...]
Elder Fraud Sweep Nets 250 Defendants, $500M in Losses
The Justice Department recently unveiled the largest ever coordinated investigation of elder fraud cases. In total, more than 250 defendants have been charged in schemes involving over one million senior victims and half a billion dollars in losses. Victims may need to file civil charges in order to recover stolen funds. Charges have been filed [...]
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