2014 SCOTUS Ruling Has Led to More Fee-Shifting in Trademark Cases
An increasing number of prevailing patent litigants are seeking—and receiving—attorneys’ fees due to a 2014 Supreme Court ruling that replaced a stricter fee-shifting (“loser pays”) requirement with a more discretionary standard. That same ruling is expected to also produce an uptick in fees awarded to trademark dispute winners. The Business Trial Group handles trademark and [...]
Legal Malpractice Claims Costing More, Settling Sooner, Research Shows
Insurers and law firms are settling legal malpractice cases earlier as their costs increase, suggests a new study from the American Bar Association (ABA). The study also showed changes in the number of claims by practice area, a rise in successful claims, and more claims against large corporate firms. The Business Trial Group specializes in [...]
Firm News
What Can You Do if You Are Not Paid the Full Amount of Your Contract?
Unfortunately, an all too common issue for contractors is what to do if they are not paid the full amount they are owed for their work—even when the contract was properly and fully performed. On the surface, reneging on promises would appear to be bad business, not only from a conscientious standpoint, but also because [...]
BTG’s Contingency-Fee Model and the Justice Gap
In a society where legal arcana is creeping ever further into our everyday lives—with everything from credit card applications, to renter’s agreements, to employment contracts containing complex language that’s nearly impossible for non-lawyers to understand—access to legal representation is less a luxury than a necessity. At the same time, soaring legal fees have barred access [...]
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